Monday, September 23, 2013

City Light by Jack L

Auckland - My City by Andre

My City by Ulycess

Auckland Experience by Cooper

Spread Your Wings over Auckland by Nathan

City Poem by Josh

City by Ben

My City by Phoenix

My Great City

Auckland by Inaise

Auckland City by Izzy

The city by Letisha

The sun is flooding in 
between the
  The dark drowning in the 
Not soon after cars are zooming in 
       every direction.
The time were nearly every body
         is at work.
When the sky settles in comes 
          the dark,
       rushing through.
now there no ones there.
     until the next day...

Auckland city by Mason

Doha by Ethan

Comox by Theo

Auckland - My City by Scarly

Auckland by Shea

City Rhymes by Chelsea

My City by Marlo

Lisbon by Oliver

Party City

In the day of the city.

People on their way to work,
Rushing and pushing, fussing to work,
Taxies tooting, traffic lights going on and off,
Every day the wind is whistling, shopping everywhere,
Food, fun and at the end of the day,
the lights are on and the sun starts going down.
Then the lights start to fade away.
Everything is silent in the city.
By Nina.

Awesome Auckland City by Elijah

Snowy City

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blogging Challenge Week 2


1. Auckland Zoo is a great way to see all your favourite animals including the rare, native kiwi.     

2. M.O.T.A.T is the museum of transport and technology. 

3. From the Sky Tower you can see most of Auckland.

4. Eden park is the All Blacks home stadium. 

5. Western Springs Park is right next to the zoo and is also a very nice park to have a walk. 

6. St. Lukes Mall is the biggest mall around Grey lynn. 

7. Aotea Square is where you can have a cup of coffee and once a year watch Diwli Festival. 

8. Grey Lynn park is a fun place to just kick a ball around or have a swing and each year we have a festival.

9. The Water Front is a  great place to have breakfast, lunch, dinner  or take out a boat.

10. At the Museum you will learn about lots of things and be able to see our Maori Heritage.

 By Emily and Charlize

Blogging Challenge 1 Our Class

Room 14

ROOM 14 nice and clean, it's a wonder-filled scene,
our art is magnificent, it’ll blow your mind-it is one of a kind!
We like to play sport on the basketball court, we all have a jolly good laugh.
We like to discuss but not to fuss.
We try very hard and our learning is fun.
There’s lots of great friends, it will be sad when it ends.

                                                                              By James  and Josh

Monday, September 2, 2013


" Bugs" by Josh & Scarlett from room14gls on Vimeo.

"Walking 101"

"Walking 101" from room14gls on Vimeo.

"Izzy Movie"

Izzy Movie from room14gls on Vimeo.

"Shoe Tie Man"

"Shoelaces" from room14gls on Vimeo.

Clever Fish

"Owl Movie"

Owl Movie Scarlett and Charlotte 2 from room14gls on Vimeo.

"Say Cheese" A video by Theo & Nathan

Say Cheese from room14gls on Vimeo.


"Stretches" by Phoenix & Elijah from room14gls on Vimeo.


Play Time Marlo & Inaise from room14gls on Vimeo.


Ina and Ethan Show from room14gls on Vimeo.

"5x5 Video - Drawing in Room14"

EMILY from room14gls on Vimeo.

"Packing Up"

Charlize and Shea from room14gls on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Ben and Jack G Pencil Movie from room14gls on Vimeo.

Soccer by Charlotte and Nina

This is one of our 5x5 Videos. It was easy to make and gave us all practice in video editing. What is 5x5? It's simple. You take 5 clips, cut them down to 5 seconds and hey presto you have your own 5x5 video. With a buddy we all drew storyboards of a simple event. Then we decided on shots for each clip. We had so much fun shooting our videos. We hope you enjoy them

Charlotte and Nina's Movie from room14gls on Vimeo.