Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blogging Challenge 1 Our Class

Room 14

ROOM 14 nice and clean, it's a wonder-filled scene,
our art is magnificent, it’ll blow your mind-it is one of a kind!
We like to play sport on the basketball court, we all have a jolly good laugh.
We like to discuss but not to fuss.
We try very hard and our learning is fun.
There’s lots of great friends, it will be sad when it ends.

                                                                              By James  and Josh

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    My name is Ms. Felton. I teach a class of 5th graders in Mondamin, Iowa in the US. Our class is also participating in the Student Blogging Challenge. Your class is listed just above ours, so I thought I would visit and check things out.
    I enjoyed your class poem. I agree that your art is indeed magnificent!
    We would love to have you visit our blog also. Our address is:
    Please visit!
    Ms. Felton
